RN said:
there is not fraud, but the Intendent of Concepción,
Jacqueline van Rysselberghe must to assume political responsibility.
- What do you think about this situation?
"The Intendant ought to have resigned from the beginning, no because she is the author of fraud, because we know money is not has lost, but merely because it is not good for the Government neither to democracy... “an error like this should not be kept with total impunity and without anybody responding"
- What impact would it have, the permanence in office?
"If after the expressions, such as the Intendant said, and nothing is happening, and nobody will step down, we would be giving a very bad sign to the rest of the officers, because we would be saying,"That's not bad enough that we can lie and change the background to get more resources. "
About the other right-wing party UDI that integrates the government, which the Intendent is a member ... Monckeberg said:
"When a party assumes a government, is responsible formanaging the State, and govern and to serve the whole country.”
And concerning the opposition to the government that started this political mess:
"They never would have asked for the resignation to the Intendant. They accustomed us to that authority should be sentenced to prison so ultimately leave office. "
Nicolas Monckeberg remarked:
"Political responsibility is different from the criminal law.Nobody doubts the honesty of the Intendant, and is known that no resources are missed. However, it would be wrong for any government, that when there are affirmations of this kind, no one assume, the respective responsibility for. "
CarlosDToledolabarca is based in Logan, Utah,
United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
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