In the '40s Stalin controlled by arms Hungary and a Catholic cardinal, Josef Midszenty, raised his voice against the abuses of the totalitarian communist against the country.
The cardinal was arrested and after months in jail was put on trial only because of protests by democratic governments. Then came the big surprise: in a public hearing.
Midszenty said that those judges, the communists were absolutely right, "he had committed the crimes " alleged against the Stalinist regime in Hungary, and that he deserved the penalty sought by his communist prosecutors.
It was one of the first evidence of a technique applied by communism against their adversaries, the "brain washing. "
They can make you say and think what they want.
Those totalitarian in the seventies attempted to take power in Chile by force of arms, wiping out those who oppose them. They organized an underground army to that effect, overseas trained young Chileans to go to Chile to kill fellow citizens through terrorist acts. Also those totalitarian admit thousands of foreign fighters and even foreign troops(the "comrades Troops " Cubans recognized in a book published in Havana).
Fortunately, the Armed Forces and Carabineros (police) saved Chile and won the war against totalitarianism.
However, the soldiers and carabineros (police) lost the post war. In the elections held under the strengthened democracy, which was bequeathed by the military government, opponents succeeded and managed to consummate a mass brainwashing, which turned the truth of things, to the extent that we see in newspapers today that former civilian notables of the regime who saved Chile (the honorable members of the chamber of deputies Cardemil, RN, and Melero,UDI), asked "forgiveness," doing mea culpas and buying the story of the communists, called "horrors" and "human rights abuses"to the repression of Marxist terrorism.
Those who wanted to seize power through blood and fire, and who declared armed struggle against democracy, however, at most confess to having committed "errors" and have managed to be declared "victims" by some of those who had planned murder, on the first day of Marxist self-coup.
All this is happening, is very funny, but brainwashed take it very seriously.
I'm reading the autobiography of George W. Bush, the head on the methods defends the U.S. against terrorism, and denies that the practice of submerging prisoners in water until they confess, is torture or inhuman action.
In the U.S.. UU. called "enhanced interrogation technique" and is legal.But in Chile the left shouting "Torture!"when in those days were reported similar practices. Bush and U.S. congressional majority felt they were legal methods to extract confessions and saving the lives ofhis countrymen threatened by terrorism. But here in Chile we bought the Communist version that those practices were "human rights abuses, " although this would allow saving the lives of innocent Chileans.
Because in the land of the brainwashed, you must know, if a terrorist kills a passenger on a bus, there is no human rights abuse of the passenger, but if a soldier killed that same terrorist, there is. Ask this question to any lawyer of Chile.
And within this context, the government of the fifth President of the"No"(current Chilean government), just to name two of their representatives(two right-wing personalities, of course, very clean brains surgically) in the directory of the Museum Memory (suffering in Chile), one of the tools of brainwashing, which have successfully performed the totalitarian winners in the post-war.
I have likened that museum with an imaginary museum of memory of Hitler, who attacked the free world democracies, and bombed them with firepower. I have no doubt that if he had triumphed in war, or if he had won the post war, Hitler would have founded a Museum of Memory, the same way that museum opened by the woman, a former aid of MIR (Chilean terrorist organization) ,
Hiding methodologically, all violations themselves, and hiding the fact deliver to know who started the war. Displaying only testimony of the innocent victims registered in the attacks of the allies to Bremen and Hamburg, burned with phosphorus bombs.
If the technique of totalitarian leftist got the result that the Cardinal Midszenty, an exceptional personality in the end he thought the opposite of what was the truth and conviction of his own conscience,and said exactly what the brain washers wanted, not pretend that ordinary people, like the Chileans in general and most of the notables from the Chilean political right in particular, achieve a higher degree of moral heroism, to enable them to overcome these totalitarian treatment, which overpowered the eminent and holy cardinal.
Translation and free adaptation of the Blog of Hermogenes Perez deArce. Chile written and translated by Carlos Toledolabarca
CarlosDomingoToledo is based in Logan, Utah, United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
The cardinal was arrested and after months in jail was put on trial only because of protests by democratic governments. Then came the big surprise: in a public hearing.
Midszenty said that those judges, the communists were absolutely right, "he had committed the crimes " alleged against the Stalinist regime in Hungary, and that he deserved the penalty sought by his communist prosecutors.
It was one of the first evidence of a technique applied by communism against their adversaries, the "brain washing. "
They can make you say and think what they want.
Those totalitarian in the seventies attempted to take power in Chile by force of arms, wiping out those who oppose them. They organized an underground army to that effect, overseas trained young Chileans to go to Chile to kill fellow citizens through terrorist acts. Also those totalitarian admit thousands of foreign fighters and even foreign troops(the "comrades Troops " Cubans recognized in a book published in Havana).
Fortunately, the Armed Forces and Carabineros (police) saved Chile and won the war against totalitarianism.
However, the soldiers and carabineros (police) lost the post war. In the elections held under the strengthened democracy, which was bequeathed by the military government, opponents succeeded and managed to consummate a mass brainwashing, which turned the truth of things, to the extent that we see in newspapers today that former civilian notables of the regime who saved Chile (the honorable members of the chamber of deputies Cardemil, RN, and Melero,UDI), asked "forgiveness," doing mea culpas and buying the story of the communists, called "horrors" and "human rights abuses"to the repression of Marxist terrorism.
Those who wanted to seize power through blood and fire, and who declared armed struggle against democracy, however, at most confess to having committed "errors" and have managed to be declared "victims" by some of those who had planned murder, on the first day of Marxist self-coup.
All this is happening, is very funny, but brainwashed take it very seriously.
I'm reading the autobiography of George W. Bush, the head on the methods defends the U.S. against terrorism, and denies that the practice of submerging prisoners in water until they confess, is torture or inhuman action.
In the U.S.. UU. called "enhanced interrogation technique" and is legal.But in Chile the left shouting "Torture!"when in those days were reported similar practices. Bush and U.S. congressional majority felt they were legal methods to extract confessions and saving the lives ofhis countrymen threatened by terrorism. But here in Chile we bought the Communist version that those practices were "human rights abuses, " although this would allow saving the lives of innocent Chileans.
Because in the land of the brainwashed, you must know, if a terrorist kills a passenger on a bus, there is no human rights abuse of the passenger, but if a soldier killed that same terrorist, there is. Ask this question to any lawyer of Chile.
And within this context, the government of the fifth President of the"No"(current Chilean government), just to name two of their representatives(two right-wing personalities, of course, very clean brains surgically) in the directory of the Museum Memory (suffering in Chile), one of the tools of brainwashing, which have successfully performed the totalitarian winners in the post-war.
I have likened that museum with an imaginary museum of memory of Hitler, who attacked the free world democracies, and bombed them with firepower. I have no doubt that if he had triumphed in war, or if he had won the post war, Hitler would have founded a Museum of Memory, the same way that museum opened by the woman, a former aid of MIR (Chilean terrorist organization) ,
Hiding methodologically, all violations themselves, and hiding the fact deliver to know who started the war. Displaying only testimony of the innocent victims registered in the attacks of the allies to Bremen and Hamburg, burned with phosphorus bombs.
If the technique of totalitarian leftist got the result that the Cardinal Midszenty, an exceptional personality in the end he thought the opposite of what was the truth and conviction of his own conscience,and said exactly what the brain washers wanted, not pretend that ordinary people, like the Chileans in general and most of the notables from the Chilean political right in particular, achieve a higher degree of moral heroism, to enable them to overcome these totalitarian treatment, which overpowered the eminent and holy cardinal.
Translation and free adaptation of the Blog of Hermogenes Perez deArce. Chile written and translated by Carlos Toledolabarca
CarlosDomingoToledo is based in Logan, Utah, United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
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