(Note:*Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, introduced the term to the Western world with the 1973 publication of his The Gulag Archipelago).
You can not believe it, today in Chile there are "Gulags"
Yes, those camps for political prisoners. For prisoners who do not apply the laws, fields such as the USSR and which Solzhenitsyn described for us, so dramatically. These political prisoners locked up in Chile can end their lives in prison, but with an addition: do not even having the rights of regular prisoners.
One such prisoner is an officer of Russian descent, Brigadier (r)Miguel Krassnoff. Gisela Silva Encina historian, wrote a book about him, which has had and has good sale: The book is entitled "Miguel Krassnoff," Prisoner, having served Chile "(In Spanish: “"Miguel Krassnoff, Prisionero por Servir a Chile") . It was edited by Alfonso Marquez de la Plata, a brave and exemplary Chilean citizen which has been a champion of the historical truth and he continues publishing books that establish, restore and defend the truth of Chile.
On Thursday, January 27 recent past, in Moscow, at the headquarters of the Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture ", located in the passage Chernigovskiy, 9/13-2 (Tetriakovskaya metro station), there was a presentation of the book edited in the Russian Language. I was invited but I was unable to attend.
The Russians have a very different impression of the Military Government and the former President Augusto Pinochet, that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. Even is very different than the West in general and the majority of Chile itself, characterized by poor memory, and the tendency to accept the systematic brainwashing.
It can not be any other way, the Russian people lived 70 years under communism, so they know what it is, and understand how much you should be grateful to a Military Government and a soldier like Brigadier(r) Miguel Krassnoff for what they did.
Krassnoff is a political prisoner, and perhaps more unjustly than others, because he has been convicted for acts that did not participate. We're not talking about amnesty or "Statutes of Limitations. " We're talking about, that the judges of the Chilean left, are dictating Justice and one them , most notably, Alejandro Solis, is holding a grudge against Miguel Krassnoff, brazenly.
The father and the grandfather of this honorable Chilean soldier, they ethnically White Russians(Cossacks), were executed by the Communists in Moscow's Red Square, and his mother was granted asylum in Chile through our ambassador in Austria, in 1945.
The fact is that Brigadier(r) Miguel Krassnoff is convicted in numerous trials for crimes that were not properly known neither in relation to him. And they do charge to him, saying that he was part of the " DINA Chief Officers (National Intelligence Directorate). in circumstances where he was a Lieutenant in 1973 and between him and "DINA Chief Officers. " there were hundreds other officers, with a higher graduation than him.
Is that, he committed the sin that leftist judges will not ever forgive:
The young officer Lieutenant Miguel Krassnoff, at that time heroically confronted Miguel Enriquez, leader of the MIR, Chilean terrorist group, and he killed him in combat when he was trying to capture a terrorist cell, for this he was awarded by the Army in 1974.
Gulag prisoners in Chile, have very few voices to defend them. These voices are "samiszdats (underground newspapers that circulated in the USSR) in Chile today. There is a digital"samiszdat" "THE ELEVEN IN A GREAT MONTH .Chile Report section (El Once de un Gran Mes. seccion Chile Informa), which appears daily, which publishes the constant abuse suffered for all “uniformed political prisoners” that exist in Chile actually.
But the mainstream press, and media that is supposedly politically correct, they do not take the information from our "samiszdats".
So all the information given to know that in Chile there are persecuted and imprisoned, to which they are denied fundamental human rights. In particular one that relates, to apply existing laws to them. The result is: not only they are marginalized from the "Rule of Law", but even, that that everyone knows the unjust situation of them it is almost 99 percent no chance.
In the section "Chile Report" of our “samiszdat “The Eleven in a Great Month”, three cases have already appeared in these days: one, the Army officer in the rank of Major (r) Carlos Herrera Jiménez, sentenced to double life imprisonment for the murder of Tucapel Jimenez and Juan Alegria.
In this case according to the judges, do not apply "Amnesty Law" (1978) neither “Statutes of Limitation”, but you can say that if he had been a terrorist from FPMR or MIR, and he would have killed two people today he would be free, ¿Why?
Because the former President Patricio Aylwin used his powers to give pardons, to all terrorists, no matter how bloody and many ... that would have been the crimes.
Please read carefully the following ...
After having served 23 years in prison, the Major(r) Carlos Herrera has the right to leave jail on Sunday. The worst criminals have it. For this purpose is necessary, the Technical Board of the Prison Service's approval, and must be ratified by the signature of the Director of the service.
On two occasions the Technical Board has approved it, because his excellent conduct, improvement work and also he have an honorable and exemplary family, Major Carlos Herrera has no criminal record in his private life.
And do you want to know the name of the person, who denied the right to leave jail on Sunday to Carlos Herrera? Nothing less than the Director of the Prison Service appointed by the current President Sebastián Piñera, named Juan Masferrer.
For sure, Major(r) Carlos Herrera is a political prisoner (he have not, for political reasons, the legal rights of ordinary prisoners), and the Rightist people in Chile "took away" the Military Government, because they do not want to be “contaminated”.
Of course...What will say communists... if Carlos Herrera, Gets his legal right to leave jail on Sundays?.
Another case, and this is really dramatic: Major (r) Carlos Minoletti, resident in the U.S.A. with his family until 2007, he knew about a case of "human rights", case that he was mentioned, while being completely innocent.
He was summoned to testify. He believed that in Chile there was “Rule of Law. And he returned to Chile completely sure of his innocence, but a leftist judge, arbitrarily put him in a process in 2008.
The Mayor (r)Minoletti has a heart condition and six bypasses. He has health insurance in the U.S., and this insurance does not apply in Chile. In the present fiive of the bypasses are blocked. He has shown his situation, to the Prosecutor of the left, and to the President of the Supreme Court to obtain authorization to travel to the U.S.A, for major surgery that he needs and that is covered by his insurance. They do not care. He also wrote a letter to President Piñera and his wife, and they read his letter:
And they answered saying that “his situation was not a matter for them”....
It is a situation of humanity, which should not be ignored
Of course, the military family vote for Pinera, and the vote was deposited already, and now all abuses over political prisoners in uniforms, are not concern to the President, because for voters is too late to repent. Voters are cooked and eaten!
A third case is Captain (r) of Police Alex Cantin, indicted for events in Tocopilla 34 years ago ruled under a Law of Amnesty and the “Statutes of Limitation” , twice in court!, processes 230-89 of the Military Court of Antofagasta and 3231-90 of the Criminal Court of Tocopilla.
In both trials was completely acquitted. In one, the complainants belonging to the left complained about the verdict, in the Supreme Court, and the Court confirmed the acquittal of Captain(r)Cantín. (And that was because even in 1990, had not left majority in the Supreme Court, so laws were applied).
Well, now the red attorneys have succeeded on Captain Cantín charges, they are cases already closed, in which there are double trial verdict. Now, leftist justice is done, he is being prosecuted, and he is on bail.
In the years that have passed the Captain (r) Cantín has studied law, and he is ready to be called to the bar, but the Supreme Court denied the title, because he is on trial in the courts of the left.
These things happen in a Chilean gulag.
And only you can know its only through the "samiszdats"such as the section "Chile Report, " and also in this blog, which is justified,even if with the only use for this.
Translation and free adaptation from the Blog of Hermogenes ”01/29/2011 Voces del Gulag”By Carlos ToledolabarcaPublished in Spanish by Hermogenes Perez de Arce
CarlosDomingoToledo is based in Logan, Utah, United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
You can not believe it, today in Chile there are "Gulags"
Yes, those camps for political prisoners. For prisoners who do not apply the laws, fields such as the USSR and which Solzhenitsyn described for us, so dramatically. These political prisoners locked up in Chile can end their lives in prison, but with an addition: do not even having the rights of regular prisoners.
One such prisoner is an officer of Russian descent, Brigadier (r)Miguel Krassnoff. Gisela Silva Encina historian, wrote a book about him, which has had and has good sale: The book is entitled "Miguel Krassnoff," Prisoner, having served Chile "(In Spanish: “"Miguel Krassnoff, Prisionero por Servir a Chile") . It was edited by Alfonso Marquez de la Plata, a brave and exemplary Chilean citizen which has been a champion of the historical truth and he continues publishing books that establish, restore and defend the truth of Chile.
On Thursday, January 27 recent past, in Moscow, at the headquarters of the Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture ", located in the passage Chernigovskiy, 9/13-2 (Tetriakovskaya metro station), there was a presentation of the book edited in the Russian Language. I was invited but I was unable to attend.
The Russians have a very different impression of the Military Government and the former President Augusto Pinochet, that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. Even is very different than the West in general and the majority of Chile itself, characterized by poor memory, and the tendency to accept the systematic brainwashing.
It can not be any other way, the Russian people lived 70 years under communism, so they know what it is, and understand how much you should be grateful to a Military Government and a soldier like Brigadier(r) Miguel Krassnoff for what they did.
Krassnoff is a political prisoner, and perhaps more unjustly than others, because he has been convicted for acts that did not participate. We're not talking about amnesty or "Statutes of Limitations. " We're talking about, that the judges of the Chilean left, are dictating Justice and one them , most notably, Alejandro Solis, is holding a grudge against Miguel Krassnoff, brazenly.
The father and the grandfather of this honorable Chilean soldier, they ethnically White Russians(Cossacks), were executed by the Communists in Moscow's Red Square, and his mother was granted asylum in Chile through our ambassador in Austria, in 1945.
The fact is that Brigadier(r) Miguel Krassnoff is convicted in numerous trials for crimes that were not properly known neither in relation to him. And they do charge to him, saying that he was part of the " DINA Chief Officers (National Intelligence Directorate). in circumstances where he was a Lieutenant in 1973 and between him and "DINA Chief Officers. " there were hundreds other officers, with a higher graduation than him.
Is that, he committed the sin that leftist judges will not ever forgive:
The young officer Lieutenant Miguel Krassnoff, at that time heroically confronted Miguel Enriquez, leader of the MIR, Chilean terrorist group, and he killed him in combat when he was trying to capture a terrorist cell, for this he was awarded by the Army in 1974.
Gulag prisoners in Chile, have very few voices to defend them. These voices are "samiszdats (underground newspapers that circulated in the USSR) in Chile today. There is a digital"samiszdat" "THE ELEVEN IN A GREAT MONTH .Chile Report section (El Once de un Gran Mes. seccion Chile Informa), which appears daily, which publishes the constant abuse suffered for all “uniformed political prisoners” that exist in Chile actually.
But the mainstream press, and media that is supposedly politically correct, they do not take the information from our "samiszdats".
So all the information given to know that in Chile there are persecuted and imprisoned, to which they are denied fundamental human rights. In particular one that relates, to apply existing laws to them. The result is: not only they are marginalized from the "Rule of Law", but even, that that everyone knows the unjust situation of them it is almost 99 percent no chance.
In the section "Chile Report" of our “samiszdat “The Eleven in a Great Month”, three cases have already appeared in these days: one, the Army officer in the rank of Major (r) Carlos Herrera Jiménez, sentenced to double life imprisonment for the murder of Tucapel Jimenez and Juan Alegria.
In this case according to the judges, do not apply "Amnesty Law" (1978) neither “Statutes of Limitation”, but you can say that if he had been a terrorist from FPMR or MIR, and he would have killed two people today he would be free, ¿Why?
Because the former President Patricio Aylwin used his powers to give pardons, to all terrorists, no matter how bloody and many ... that would have been the crimes.
Please read carefully the following ...
After having served 23 years in prison, the Major(r) Carlos Herrera has the right to leave jail on Sunday. The worst criminals have it. For this purpose is necessary, the Technical Board of the Prison Service's approval, and must be ratified by the signature of the Director of the service.
On two occasions the Technical Board has approved it, because his excellent conduct, improvement work and also he have an honorable and exemplary family, Major Carlos Herrera has no criminal record in his private life.
And do you want to know the name of the person, who denied the right to leave jail on Sunday to Carlos Herrera? Nothing less than the Director of the Prison Service appointed by the current President Sebastián Piñera, named Juan Masferrer.
For sure, Major(r) Carlos Herrera is a political prisoner (he have not, for political reasons, the legal rights of ordinary prisoners), and the Rightist people in Chile "took away" the Military Government, because they do not want to be “contaminated”.
Of course...What will say communists... if Carlos Herrera, Gets his legal right to leave jail on Sundays?.
Another case, and this is really dramatic: Major (r) Carlos Minoletti, resident in the U.S.A. with his family until 2007, he knew about a case of "human rights", case that he was mentioned, while being completely innocent.
He was summoned to testify. He believed that in Chile there was “Rule of Law. And he returned to Chile completely sure of his innocence, but a leftist judge, arbitrarily put him in a process in 2008.
The Mayor (r)Minoletti has a heart condition and six bypasses. He has health insurance in the U.S., and this insurance does not apply in Chile. In the present fiive of the bypasses are blocked. He has shown his situation, to the Prosecutor of the left, and to the President of the Supreme Court to obtain authorization to travel to the U.S.A, for major surgery that he needs and that is covered by his insurance. They do not care. He also wrote a letter to President Piñera and his wife, and they read his letter:
And they answered saying that “his situation was not a matter for them”....
It is a situation of humanity, which should not be ignored
Of course, the military family vote for Pinera, and the vote was deposited already, and now all abuses over political prisoners in uniforms, are not concern to the President, because for voters is too late to repent. Voters are cooked and eaten!
A third case is Captain (r) of Police Alex Cantin, indicted for events in Tocopilla 34 years ago ruled under a Law of Amnesty and the “Statutes of Limitation” , twice in court!, processes 230-89 of the Military Court of Antofagasta and 3231-90 of the Criminal Court of Tocopilla.
In both trials was completely acquitted. In one, the complainants belonging to the left complained about the verdict, in the Supreme Court, and the Court confirmed the acquittal of Captain(r)Cantín. (And that was because even in 1990, had not left majority in the Supreme Court, so laws were applied).
Well, now the red attorneys have succeeded on Captain Cantín charges, they are cases already closed, in which there are double trial verdict. Now, leftist justice is done, he is being prosecuted, and he is on bail.
In the years that have passed the Captain (r) Cantín has studied law, and he is ready to be called to the bar, but the Supreme Court denied the title, because he is on trial in the courts of the left.
These things happen in a Chilean gulag.
And only you can know its only through the "samiszdats"such as the section "Chile Report, " and also in this blog, which is justified,even if with the only use for this.
Translation and free adaptation from the Blog of Hermogenes ”01/29/2011 Voces del Gulag”By Carlos ToledolabarcaPublished in Spanish by Hermogenes Perez de Arce
CarlosDomingoToledo is based in Logan, Utah, United States of America, and is Stringer for Allvoices
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